Spring Break-office closed

Our office will be closed for spring break from March 24-31. There will be no scheduled lessons.

Creating Manitoba: The Emergence of a Provincial Community

Instructor: Gerald Friesen and guests This course will discuss the history of some of Manitoba’s founding peoples and how they came to terms with evolving provincial, national, and global circumstances in the late nineteenth century. It will include (one in each of the six meetings), First Nations, Selkirk settlers, Michif/French-speaking Métis, Orange Order Canadians, first-wave […]


Poverty in Winnipeg: Causes, Costs, Solutions

Instructor: Dr. Jim Silver Course description: This course will examine poverty, and in particular what is called “complex poverty,” in Winnipeg. Winnipeg is home to a high incidence of complex poverty, and this has become increasingly obvious in recent years, so the course will have relevance to the daily experiences of students. Ideas and concepts […]


Spring Student Recital

Join us at Convocation Hall for our Spring student recital! This is your chance to share what you’ve been learning with your peers. Ask your teacher about signing up!

Baby Beats

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9-9:30 am, April 23-June 13 2024 Online via Zoom CLASSES ARE FREE–funded entirely by Music Equals supporters Baby Beats gives parents with babies and toddlers a chance to participate in music sharing time together from the comfort of their own homes. Instructor McKenna Ogg uses nursery rhymes, books, music recordings, dance, movement, and body […]

Adult Year End Recital

Ask your teacher about signing up for the final Adult Recital of the year!

Music Equals Showcase concert

West End Cultural Centre 586 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Join us to celebrate the achievements of the Music Equals students! Admission is free but seating is limited.

Music Equals Showcase concert

West End Cultural Centre 586 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Join us to celebrate the achievements of the Music Equals students! Admission is free but seating is limited.

Student Year End Recital

Ask your teacher about signing up for the final recital of the 2023-24 academic year! Another recital time may be added if there’s high demand.

Labour Day-office closed

Our office will be closed on September 2 for Labour Day. There will be no scheduled lessons.

Successes and Failures: A Comparative History of Finland and the USSR in the 20th Century

Course Description: One of the arguments advanced by the proponents of communist ideas is that in spite of all the horrors of Stalinism and other communist regimes, they greatly contributed to the advancement of the countries where they managed to establish themselves. Taking into account the fact that in 1900 Grand Duchy of Finland was […]


Where in the World are the World’s Faiths, and Who Cares?

Course Description: Religious engagement has been on the rise worldwide, regardless of how any particular religious or spiritual tradition may be faring in Canada. The Pew Institute continues to count that from 80-85% of the world’s peoples self define as religious or spiritual. The old question is new again: are world religions stumbling blocks to […]


You and the Law-Criminal Law in Canada 2024

Course Description: Given from the point of view of an accused, we will discuss several aspects of the system of Criminal Justice in Canada. We will look at The Courts, the Penal system, and Police Powers as they relate to the rights of all Canadians as described in the Charter.  Ultimately, the goal is to […]


Halloween recital

Convocation Hall

Ask your instructor about signing up. There will be a costume contest with prizes!


You’re invited to join us for our AGM! We’ll be meeting on Wednesday, October 30 at 6 pm in our ensemble room (Room 1B03). Hope to see you there!

Adult student coffee house

Ensemble room Bryce Hall, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Share what you’ve been working on with others in a casual environment! Ask your instructor about signing up.

Student holiday recital

Convocation Hall

Share your holiday favourites with your peers! Ask your instructor about signing up.

Sing-A-Long with Santa

Ensemble room Bryce Hall, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Ages 0-6. This is an extra-special one-time family event for the holidays! Bring your little one to sing and play some musical games with Santa, Mrs. Claus and their elves.


Astronomy: How did we get here?

Axworthy Health and RecPlex Multipurpose room 350 Spence Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Course Description Astronomy is the study of the universe and all the matter and energy in it. It gives us a perspective on what it means to be here on Earth. It can help us locate ourselves in space and time. Once we realize how vast our universe is, it may seem humbling at first, […]


Celtic Fiddle Jam

Chapel Bryce Hall, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Ages 8+. Come and play some Irish and other Celtic flavoured tunes to get you in the mood for St. Patrick’s Day! Join Grandmaster Champion Patti Kusturok for an afternoon of fun music making.


FREE demo class-Baby Beats (Scout Coffee location)

Scout Coffee 1199 Rothesay Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Ages 0-3. You’re invited to attend our FREE demo class at Scout Coffee (1199 Rothesay Street, Winnipeg) to get a sneak peek of our Baby Beats class!

FREE demo class-Musical Foundations (Scout Coffee location)

Scout Coffee 1199 Rothesay Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Ages 3-5. You’re invited to attend our FREE demo class at Scout Coffee (1199 Rothesay Street, Winnipeg) to get a sneak peek of our Musical Foundations class!

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