Glass of wine

Win up to 25 bottles of wine with our wine raffle!

Our annual wine raffle is here! This is your chance to help us raise money for our Music Equals program! We’re selling tickets at a cost of 1 for $8, 3 for $20, or 10 for $60 until February 13, 2025. As a registered, non-profit charitable organization, our mission is to provide accessibility and excellence in music education to our community, regardless of skill, age, financial status or geographic location. Our Music Equals programs not only provide music opportunities, but also build social connections, enhance creativity and expression, and teach transferable skills that will support academics and quality of life. This is your chance to help us provide access to opportunities that would not otherwise exist for our most vulnerable and at-risk populations. You can purchase your tickets here.

The final draw will be on February 14, 2025 at noon. Prizes will be drawn in order:

  1. First prize-25 bottles of wine ($500.00)
  2. Second prize-15 bottles of wine ($300.00)
  3. Third prize-10 bottles of wine ($200.00)

Individual tickets are only eligible to win one prize.

Raffle rules and conditions
-Electronic draw; performed by Certified Random Number Generator
-The winning ticket number and winner’s name will be posted online at the raffle website
following the draw
-Must be a resident of Manitoba or physically located in Manitoba to purchase tickets
-Must be 18 or older to enter the raffle
-Winners will be contacted via email and/or phone call within seven days, with follow-up emails and
calls for three subsequent days if there is no response
-Prizes must be claimed at The Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts within 30 days of the
draw. If the selected winner does not claim the prize within 30 days of the draw, the Manitoba
Conservatory of Music & Arts will retain ownership of the prize.
-Winners must provide first name, last name and mailing address upon claiming prize
-Photo identification is required to claim a prize
-Raffle tickets are non-refundable
-Raffle tickets are not eligible for tax receipts

License #LGCA 4430-RF-46552

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