If you follow our Facebook or Instagram pages, you may have seen posts advertising our Intro to Brass group music class. The photos in these posts feature a bright red, plastic instrument. You may be wondering what exactly this instrument is! A pBuzz is a brass instrument that’s made from plastic. It’s a training tool, and a foundation instrument. Students can play chromatically from F to C by lengthening and shortening the pBuzz with its’ sliding body. The mouthpiece is smaller than a trombone or baritone mouthpiece but larger than a horn mouthpiece, making it a great way to begin brass playing! In fact, the mouthpiece was specifically designed to make playing your first notes on a brass instrument as easy as possible.
If you’re looking for a fun, low-pressure introduction to brass instruments for your child, our Intro to Brass group class could be a great fit. The first class begins on Saturday, November 2 at 2:30 pm, so it’s not too late to late to register! Best of all, you get all four classes for the low price of just $60! Register your 6-9 year-old today!