Chris Wolf

Chris Wolf has performed and taught clarinet extensively. He has performed with the Arizona Opera Company, The Lyric Opera Orchestra of Phoenix, The Phoenix and Edmonton Symphony Orchestras, and The Air Command Band stationed here in Winnipeg. He was the winner of the Arizona State University New Music Competition (soloist category) playing the Luciano Berio Sequenza for Clarinet.

While Chris was at Arizona State University he took advanced music theory courses in musical form, harmony and analysis. He has also taken courses in Schenkarian analysis. Chris is currently in very high demand as a clarinet performer, teacher and clinician. For eight years he has been teaching private clarinet lessons and individual and group music theory classes for the Manitoba Conservatory of Music and Arts. He has also been the Musical Director for the Sarah Sommer Chai Folk Ensemble for the last three years, and was the former Music Teacher for the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Professional Division. He is currently the Music Director at Classic 107.

What is your education and experience?

Bachelor of Music Performance, Brandon University; Master of Music Performance, Arizona State University.

What inspired you to study music?

Performing with the Manitoba Band Association’s Junior Honor Band in Grade 9.

What do you love about teaching?

I love to see students get better, and in the end hopefully become colleagues

What would you say to someone who is thinking about taking music lessons?

Do it!! Studies show it makes you a smarter more focused person. It works a different part of the brain,…and you can express yourself at the same time, which is pretty neat.